This weeks Flash! Friday asked us to use themes from Anna Karenina. I chose to use man vs self and tradition as the central themes of my story this week. Here is this weeks prompt. I used it metaphorically rather than literally!Scene from “Anna Karenina,” 1914 Russian film by Vladimir Gardin.Scene from “Anna Karenina,” 1914 Russian film by Vladimir Gardin. Photo is in the public domain in the United States.

Cold Feet

I stare blankly as my bride walks down the aisle. A smile stays on my face through sheer willpower.

I know how lucky I am. She is beautiful, or so I am told. She has made enough money that I will never have to work again. She makes me laugh, and makes me think. Any man would be lucky to call her his wife.

As she gets closer I start to shake, fighting the urge to run. My best man places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, a gesture meant to steady my nerves. Instead it makes my heart race and my face flush red. I should have told him. I tried, but those three words stuck in my throat, the sharp barbs of tradition holding them at bay.

The priests voice booms in my ears, “Does anyone know of any reason these two shall not be married?”

I do.