For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate the theme of Friendship into a story based on the following prompt:

 Fire breathers @ Singapore Night Safari. CC photo by Paul Williams.
Fire breathers @ Singapore Night Safari. CC photo by Paul Williams.

The Blazing Row

I don’t remember what started it, perhaps his throwaway comment about the cute new girl at the office, or my casual suggestion that he should get a haircut. I just know that it didn’t fizzle out like it usually does. Our relationship had been carefully nurtured from the sprig of friendship into a dense forest of love and commitment, but the argument rampages through it like an out of control forest fire. Decades old trees are felled with a handful of carefully chosen words, each selected for their ability to burn. We circle warily, spitting fire at each other like dueling dragons. Lines are crossed, things are said that can never be taken back. When there is nothing left to say he flies away, leaving only smoke and ashes in his wake. I weep, trying to extinguishing the flames, but this earth is scorched beyond repair. Nothing will grow here for a very long time.