For this weeks Flash! Friday we had to incorporate the theme of War into a story about the following prompt:

1896 Olympic marathon. Public domain photo by Burton Holmes.

1896 Olympic marathon. Public domain photo by Burton Holmes.

Run for your life

I don’t remember what it was like to walk anywhere, it has been so long. Those damn shuffling corpses, they move just quick enough to catch you unawares if you’re daft enough to amble. I know the news keeps saying the soldiers will win, that the war will be over soon, but they’ve been saying that for years.

It’s certainly done a lot to thin out the population, both numerically and literally. Not too many fatties can outrun a horde of ravenous flesh eaters that don’t sleep, at least not for long. The ones that managed it didn’t stay fat for very long, what with the constant exercise and stingy food rations.

Still, it’s not a bad way to live a life, at least we are fit! Certainly helped to cure that impending obesity crisis. I suppose mother nature has a sense of humour after all. Now if we can just find a cure for blisters, we’ll be all set!